


階数: 地上2階

House in Nagahama

The house is located in Nagahama city , Shiga, Japan,
Nagahama is an old town. There are more active relationships within the neighborhood community than in Tokyo.
On the other hand, Nagahama is conventional modernized city with cars and shopping malls along the main roads. It is common in many local cities in Japan.
The site is bounded by the residential area on the southwest; the road on the west is mainly used for the pedestrians.
There is a peaceful landscape on the northeast, where the rice fields and empty lots spread to Mt. Ibuki. However, on the north of the site there is a traffical street where a lot of cars passing by.
The client requested the house opened to community to be able to neighborhoods easily come by. However they also asked us keep the driveway noise away from the house.
Regarding the inner space, they placed top priority to see the existence each other in the house.
We arranged the corridor around the courtyard so that the family can see each other. At the same time we managed to make the courtyard open to the community. We planned a space that holds various relationships within the variety of environment.
The house has an approximately square with a courtyard in the center. We lifted the southwest corner of the house so that the house has unclosed courtyard at the center. The first floor which opens to the neighborhood acts as an ”ENGAWA “ where neighborhood can easily get together. From the second floor which opens to the distant view, Mt. Ibuki can be seen over the courtyard and roof of this house.
 To the surrounding enviroment , the space was created by providing a” buffer zone” instead of the space directly opens to a particular subject.
 The central unclosed courtyard spontaneously opens up to each surrounding elements. Looking at the house across the courtyard, it appear to be parallelly -placed neighboring house among surrounding enviroment.
In Japan for a long time, the space under the eaves where called “NOKISHITA” facing the street has been used as a place of community where neighborhood can gather .
Therefore we created the large eave’s space under the lifted volume . And we adjusted the NOKISHITA space to the same height as the house next door so as to make a community space which acts as buffer between street and inner space.
On the other hand espacially when looked from a car running the street the façade is may appeared to be as aseries of walls.
The facade is covered with the fiber cement board fixed with gold stained aluminum. However this dried texture of the exterior fit into the landscape, as the weather change, those stripes of low reflective stained aluminum gives a different variety of radiance to its façade moment to moment.
principal use:private residence
location:Nagahama, Shiga
site area:201.03㎡
building area:132.58㎡
total area:157.55㎡
photo: Takumi Ota
media: dezeen , Architizer, Archidaily , 住人十色(MBS毎日放送), architecturephoto.net
WAN Award House of the year 2013
The international Architecture Awards 2014